Parkallen Community League
Mature Community in South Edmonton
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Want to join the community league?

There are many good reasons to join your Community League, and joining is easier than ever.

2020-2021 Membership Fees

Family - $35.00
Single or Senior - $10.00

You can now purchase your membership by email with an electronic transfer. Get in touch with us for full details:

Many Reasons To Buy A Parkallen Community League Membership

  • Maintained community spaces: community hall, skating rinks, playgrounds, spray deck, basketball court, community garden, flower beds

  • Free, low-cost social and educational events: SnowFest, music and theatre workshops, community BBQs, Pub Night, Movie Night, Playgroup, Knitters, Diggers, Sprouts, Scouts and more!

  • Health and Wellness: FREE swimming at the Scona Pool, FREE skating at the Parkallen rinks and at other League rinks in the city, FREE summer playground leaders, subsidized fitness programs such as Yoga, Zumba and Pilates; and discounts at various City of Edmonton recreational facilities through the Community League Wellness Program.

  • Discounts: Community League hall rentals, selected Parkallen Community League programs and city-wide discounts offered through the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (see more EFCL site here)

  • A voice: Most importantly, your membership gives you a voice and a vote on community issues. The League represents you on issues arising from local, university and city developments and policies and more.

PLEASE NOTE: League membership is required for community soccer, to use the rinks and for some programs and other social events.

You can also purchase a membership online through the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues. Please note that there is a $5.00 administration fee for online purchase through EFCL.